On the death of Christopher Hitchens

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The Arts Center of the Grand Prairie will have its featured artist for January on hand Friday for an artist s reception. Melvin Rice will be in Stuttgart to speak with individuals about his work and his history in the art world. Rice says his hope is to inspire people with the beauty that surrounds them in painting, charcoal, mixed media,have continued to commute to , pencil, pen and ink,www.burberryoutlet.click, brush and ink, pastel,burberry outlet, watercolors and any other medium. Rice will be on hand from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday at the arts center,t get out and exercise when t,httP://www.burberryoutlet.click, which is located at 108 W. 12th Street. Rice was born in Pine Bluff, and after graduating from Watson Chapel High School,etc. -- typically doubling ev, he served in the Army National Guard where he received an honorable discharge. He also received his license in the Church of God in Christ in 1982 and became licensed in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He became an ordained elder in the Full Gospel in 2002. Since graduating from the Art Instruction School in Minneapolis, Minnesota in July of 2012, he has won numerous awards from the school, according to Charles Law, director of the Arts Center of the Grand Prairie. His artwork was published in the Illustrator 2011-2012 edition, which is published by the Art Instruction School. Rice said he is also a proud father. To learn more or to schedule another time to view the artwork, contact Law at (870) 673-1781 and leave a message. Those interested can also email Law at artscenter001@gmail.com.

TALLAHASSEE ? Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, and Rep. Kathleen Peters, R-South Pasadena, announced the filing of legislation Jan. 8. Senate Bill 288 will establish tougher regulations for Florida investor-owned electric utility companies and more accountability for the Florida Public Service Commission.

Speaking of Iran's crude nuclear bomb technology and inaccurate delivery systems, "If I were the (west bank) Palestinians, I'd be a little nervous." --John Wohlstetter, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute"Goodbye, my beloved friend. A great voice falls silent. A great heart stops. " --Salman Rushdie (On the death of Christopher Hitchens, Dec.,High-sensitivity fecal occult blood test,16, 2011) "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."...."To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."-- Thomas Jefferson"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare�� The powers of Congress would subvert the very foundation, the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America."--Alexander Hamilton:��You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else." --Winston Churchill

North Little Rock First United Methodist Church, 6701 John F. Kennedy Blvd.,: The church will have their 3rd Annual Chili Cook-off on Wednesday, Jan. 28 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the church Fellowship Hall. There will also be prizes for winners! One for taste and one for originality. There��s no set cost to come and enjoy the chili, however, donations are appreciated. For more information, you can check out the church��s website at or call the church office at 825-2201.

Sgt. said officers arrived and discovered that a red 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse occupied by two males and a female had been speeding east on Warren Street when it struck a parked white 1997 Jeep Cherokee. Upon impact, the Jeep lurched forward and struck a blue 1997 Chevrolet Cavalier.